Monday, July 15, 2013

Wake Up

Ladies and gentleman, this is probably going to be the most important post I have ever done.
It's not a vent and it's not a tin-hat banter.
It's simply a call.

A wake up call.

All I ask is that you have an open mind and the willingness to research for yourselves.

We are being lied to and manipulated by our own elected officials, by our corporations, by our law enforcement, and by every single person within our government about our personal well-being and safety.
We have been taught a way of living that is NOT conducive to the improvement of human life.
We have been pushed in every which way but up and it needs to stop NOW!
If you truly believe your government cares about your safety as a citizen or even as a human being, you are wrong.
Our government has one thing on their mind and they will do any and everything for it, and that's money.

Money, money, money.

Our monetary system has been the poison that drives our lives and it will surely be the demise of our society if we don't do something now!
We are told from a tender young age that we must be smart to get jobs and make money.
That is our way of living.
That's our education.
That is our goal.
That is our EVERYTHING.

The government doesn't care about curing diseases, it cares about the money hospitals make because of diseases.
The government doesn't care about peace, it cares about the profits war creates!
It sure as hell doesn't care about solving the core issue of crime or poverty because when you have poor,  it means you have the rich and when you have the rich it creates scarcity when in FACT, scarcity would not exist if it weren't for the Monetary System.

We have the ability to sustain our civilization and create abundance for all people.
We have the resources necessary to cure diseases, feed the hungry and clothe the poor, but we ALLOW those in power to slap a price tag on them, therefore blocking the ability to create abundance for all!

In a world where sustainment and abundance is provided, money CANNOT exist. It just can't. And the government knows that and will do anything to prevent it.
Because of the addiction to power. 
It's clear and right in front of our faces.

We spent billions of dollars to create weapons of mass destruction.
Because of homeland security??
No! Because we wanted to be the biggest, bad ass country in the world.

Imagine if we used that technology to provide food for the thousands of kids dying in many countries, every day!!

The ONLY thing that has ever improved human life is technology.
With technology we travel faster, we connect easier, we are able to find information quicker and obtain efficient medical services.

Has money improved life? No. You can't eat it or put it in your car to drive.
Has the government? No. All they do is make laws, budgets and create wars.
Has religion? No. It's a temporary relief to all of the shit going on in your life. Stories, fabricated to distract you from questioning life and crippling you from seeking more information.

Technology is the only thing that improves human life.
We have been taught to be afraid of it, but that is a flat lie.
When you put technology into the hands of the good, amazing things can happen.

Imagine a world where cars have built in sensors to prevent collisions or sense an intoxicated driver, preventing drunk driving. It's possible and has even been created. 
Industries won't promote them though because accidents, DUIs and death create profit.
A world where we use natural energy like solar, wind, wave or biothermal instead of killing our environment with the burning of fossil fuels.

This kind of world is MORE than possible and very accessible....but its not being pursued because of our corrupt leaders who are addicted to power and prefer a profit-based society rather than a resource-based society.

The question shouldn't be "how much does it cost?" The question should be "how much do you need?"
It's not about profit, it's about the need!
Basic human needs.
Clean water.
Social interaction.

In a world where technology is so advanced, used for the sustaining and abundance of mankind, there is no need for human labor, therefore giving new incentive to the human mind. 
We will begin to pursue new goals and find new ways to grow as a human civilization.

This is all within our reach.
It has been for years, but those in power ignore it because it is not profitable.

We are being lied to, and we need to end it.
There needs to be a healthy revolution to end this nightmare.
We need to pursue a world where when our grandchildren look back, they will marvel at how ridiculous and backwards our system was. 
Dollar bills will be a thing of history and they will see how many lives were lost because of a simple scrap of paper.

Please research Jacque Fresco, The Venus Project and The Zeitgeist Movement.

This is real guys.
It's not a conspiracy theory, it is truth.
It is time we take back our world, and strive for the improvement of human life.

Your personal beliefs mean nothing when it comes to the necessities of life.

We need to wake up and begin a change.

Share this with EVERYONE you know, and please, do the research for yourself and do NOT rely on any mainstream news stations (CNN, FOX, ABC) for information!

Best Wishes!
Jacob A. Almanza

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