Here we go again with the unnecessary debate of what is apparently being called the "attempt to redefine marriage."
I can't even begin to describe how upsetting it is, not only as an American citizen, but as a homosexual, tax paying, hard working, love giving, American citizen, to hear of others wanting to deny my rights as so, because my "lifestyle" doesn't coincide with their belief system.
Let's get one thing clear, I have no desire to be apart of your religion. I have no desire to alter your beliefs as a person of faith, and I most certainly do not want to harm your children. I do not understand the logic those who oppose same-sex come up with. Where does it come from?
1. Approving Referendum 74 will redefine what God has instilled since the beginning of time.
-Excuse me? Have any of you even read the Bible? Let's break this down a little bit...
-Deuteronomy 22:28-30, God says for a rapist to marry the woman he has just raped. Awesome.
-Deuteronomy 25:5-10, If said husband dies, wife must marry his brother, and continue down the line. Sweet.
-Polygamy!! This is all over the Bible, no need to state passages. Just read it.
-Exodus 21:1-6, Slave marriage. A lot of slaves were forced to marry and produce slave children. Lovin' it.
Ok you get the point! The Bible never speaks of marriage as simply one man and one woman. Jesus uses it as an example, this I know, but then again He (I capitalized it, ya like that?) even had his disciples up and leave their "domestic" responsibilities in order to follow him. Paul? Yeah, he actually tells us in 1 Cor. not to seek a wife. Thanks Paul, I won't.
2. We Must Protect Our Children.
-Are you kidding me? Since when does allowing 2 people who are in love, who wish to share a mutual agreement to be faithful, loving and commited, harm children?! Maybe its the 41% divorce rate that's harming children, or perhaps the incredible celebrities we see on TV who can't even stay married for longer than 72hours. Will gays get divorces? Yeah, probably, I mean we are HUMAN after all. Sorry about it. Your children are fine. If they see two girls kissing, all you have to do is explain to them that "when two people love eachother very much, they kiss...and get married and stuff." It's called being a parent. Trust me, that'll help any child in the long run...more so than having them sit in church for 5 hours and listen to an old man banter about how terrible life will be if they don't pay their tithes....that was a little below the belt, but you get the point.
3. Pastors and Priests Will be FORCED to Perform Same-Sex Marriage Ceremonies
-Let me ask you something. Would you want someone, on one of the most important days of your life, bitch and moan about how they SO dont wan't to be making this marriage happen right now? Would you, seek a hairstylists who hates you, or a dentist who'd rather pull your teeth out than make you smile? Yeah, didn't think so. So then, why would I seek a Pastor or Priest, or any type of clergyman to perform my wedding ceremony, knowing he/she/it would rather tell me to burn in hell? No one is going to force you to do ANYTHING you don't want to do.
Here's the jist guys, before I get off my soap box. Approving Referendum 74 doesn't obtain any consequences. World War 3 isn't going to break out. Heterosexual couples will still be able to marry....and divorce. Children will be able to choose who they love (remember, we all came from 1 daddy and 1 mommy, so you can't blame the gays for the gays), and life in your own little world, whether gay, straight, transgendered, bi-sexual, queer, what have you, will move forward as you please, with no horrible repercussions.
Just be cool.
Approve Ref. 74.
-Jacob Andrew